Friday, August 29, 2008

Surgery Recovery

Recovering from my hysterectomy wasn't all that bad. The few days in the hospital were the worst. I hardly remember anything that happened then. Mom and Dad said I had a really hard time coming out of the anesthetic after surgery. I know some people visited me in the hospital! Thank you, whomever you were! My boss delivered some goodies to my house from my friends at school - Thanks! After getting home, I only took one pain pill. The rest of the time, I just took ibuprofen. I was so lucky to have my parents there for my surgery and while I was in the hospital. Mom even stayed with me for a few days afterward. My friend Lauren S. stayed with me a couple of days too. Basically, I just sat around, read, and watched television. I got hooked on Sex and the City! I received many get well cards from family and friends and even my Alpha Xi sisters! Lauren sent me a cute nightshirt to wear during recovery. I was so glad when I could drive again - two weeks at home was too much! Even now, several months later, I still have a little pain when I push the cart at Wal Mart or vacuum. I also still tire easier than normal. Now, I just wish I could lose some weight! That little "kangaroo pouch" is still there! ARRRGH!

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